Saturday, March 20, 2010

Getting Down to Business

It's hard to believe that I will have been in Santiago for one month and three days by the time I teach my first class. It's been great having the time to get to the know the city and get settled in, but I am more than ready to start working.

I started working on my first lesson plan and I think it's pretty cute and fun. The material in the first unit has to do with giving and asking for personal information (name, nationality, job, etc), the verb "to be," possessive pronouns, and a couple other things. So, to start (after the necessary schpeel about rules, requirements, etc) I thought I'd play a medley of pop songs that feature asking for someone's name. You'd be surprised how many there are. And, once the students get the hang of asking for eachother's names and the like, I thought it would be fun to play a mystery dating game. What more well known (and practical) situation for asking for someone's name, hometown, and number than dating? I cut out a bunch of slips of paper and put famous couples names on them (Brad & Angelina, Romeo & Juliet, Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes... you get the picture). Each student will have one name and will have to ask around to find his or her date.

Let's hope they are familiar with, and at least slightly interested in American celebrity culture, or I'm going to be out of luck. I'll let you know how it goes.

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