Wednesday, May 19, 2010

An Apple a Day Keeps the Smog...From Getting Me Too Down

It's official--the smog has arrived. I was starting to think it was a myth, just another exaggeration by Chileans about aspects related to the weather. But no. When I walked out of my morning classes and saw the greyish haze obscuring my beloved San Cristobal  (and the traffic light only 4 blocks up), my plans for an afternoon run went up in, well, smoke.  Feeling defeated by and especially lethargic and sniffly (psychosomatic? maybe.) from the smog, I decided to pop into the farmers' market on my walk home for a little color and freshness.

Hidden behind the tourism information office is this amazing daily market, where vendors sell fresh produce and flowers, fish, and meats, all for much cheaper than you can find in the supermarkets. It makes me happy every time I walk in, and I enjoy chatting with the vendors about what's best for the day. This morning I picked up a couple Fuji apples (manzanas), a package of raspberries (frambuesas) and a tomato. If it weren't for the fact that I only had 2,000 pesos (about $4) in cash on me, I probably would have gone home with a refrigerator full. 

I didn't have my camera on me--only my cell phone--so bear with me on the photos. You can at least get the idea of how the sight of all the yummy fruits and vegetables could brighten up even this smoggiest of days.

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